
Sunday, November 5, 2023

That Humming Noise | Review: F.Z.Z.T.

Most of this review was written in November 2013 but was never finished. (The original title was "I'm Agent Grant Ward") I am completing it in September 2023, over three years after the end of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and as such it contains spoilers for the rest of the series.

Opening Thoughts:

Oh. My. Thor. That is an episode.

In-Depth Thoughts:

[Original comments from 2013]
"F.Z.Z.T." is, I believe, the episode Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans have been waiting for. Here's what I mean by that:

There are many people who don't like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - people who are fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but are disappointed with the show. I don't know the reasons each person has to not liking the show. I have only heard the opinions of a few people. But I am going to speculate that the biggest problem that people have with the show is that they were expecting a direct continuation of The Avengers, with the show having the same tone as the third act of The Avengers.

But T.V. shows are not movies. A movie has two and a half hours to introduce characters, build tension, act on the tension, and then resolve the tension. T.V. seasons, on the other hand, have 22 separate hours to go through that process. There was a lot of emotional tension and excitement in this episode, and it was possible because it had the previous five episodes to introduce us to the characters and get us to care about them. If this episode had been the first episode, then we wouldn't feel as we did about Simmons' sacrifice for the team and Ward's saving her.

Just as how the first act of The Avengers was "boring", the first five episodes had to be not as great so that "F.Z.Z.T." could be what it was. We're now just a quarter of the way through the first season. Who knows how far the show is going to climb for the rest of the season?



Coulson: I don't sweat. I glisten.


Coulson: A man of my age? That's something you say to an old person?
Simmons: Is it?


May: Have a cookie.


Coulson: Don't worry. You don't have to start calling me Iron Man.
May: Wasn't planning on it.


Questions and Comments:

Hollywood has never heard of two-deep leadership. There should have been at least two scoutmasters on the camping trip, not just a scoutmaster and a senior patrol leader.


Ooh! Blake touched Lola.


"Everybody looks clean on their first go 'round" said the secret HYDRA mole.


Theories: Rewatch Reflection:

"F.Z.Z.T." is in my Top 5 episodes of the series. It was the first episode where FitzSimmons takes front and center. The high stakes of Jemma jumping/falling out of The Bus was only surpassed by the Ward reveal later in the season.


'Ship Watch:

This episode featured the first steps in the eventual Fitz/Simmons and Coulson/May relationships, which I started to pick up on in my initial comments below.


I guess I was wrong about Simmons' feelings for Fitz. I thought she just viewed him as a brother, but [thought left open ended for ten years.]


There really seems to be a history between Coulson and May, and not just a professional one.

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