
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Questions After Season Two

Season Two of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." ended last night, and I have some questions that the show has yet to answer. I only have one question pertaining to Season Two. All the rest are the questions that I had after Season One that I hoped Season Two would answer, but S2 only answered two out of eight of my questions.

Where is Whitehall?"
There is no way Whitehall is really dead. He "killed" Jiaying in order to have her "immortality"...and then he was shot in the back by Coulson. Sure, her gift is not just healing but also the creepy vampire-like leeching off of other people, but somehow Whitehall must have survived. Maybe next season Ward will find him on the way to rebuilding HYDRA.

Questions that are left over from after Season One

What is The Rising Tide?
At the beginning of the first season, the Rising Tide was set up as the big bad shadow organization that the Agents were going to have to combat -- until it was revealed that HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. With the team's focus on HYDRA, the Agents forgot about Skye's former employer. I still want to know more about the Rising Tide, who they are, and what they have been doing over the last two years since S.H.I.E.L.D. has been busy.

Where did Ian Quinn go with the Gravitonium?
In the third episode of Season One, Ian Quinn kidnapped Dr. Franklin Hall to help him create gravitonium. At the end of the episode Hall fell into the gravitonum and was shown to be alive inside the element, and at the end of Season One Quinn was shown taking the gravitonium off of The Bus. So where did he go? And did Hall manage to escape the mass and become the villain Graviton?

Centipede, A.I.M., Erskine, and HYDRA
Throughout the first season, people were turned into super-soldiers by being given the Centepede sereum, a combination of the Extremis serum created by A.I.M. in "Iron Man 3", Dr. Erskine's super soldier serum which was created in "Captain America: The First Avenger", and gamma radiation. That raises four questions:
  • What is Centipede?
  • How is Centipede related to A.I.M.?
  • How did Centipede recreate Dr. Erskine's super soldier serum?
  • How is A.I.M. related to HYDRA?