
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tahiti - It's A Magical Place | Review: Pilot

Updated 9/25/2023

Opening Thoughts:

I went in to "Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D." with high expectations, and "Pilot" exceeded my expectations!!! I knew that references were going to be made to "The Avengers" but I did not realize that nearly every movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was going to be referenced. Hopefully there were not too many references that viewers not familiar with the MCU will feel left out of the loop and not want to keep watching the show.


Best Quotes:

Hill: A little while ago most people went to bed thinking that the craziest thing in the world was a billionaire in a flying metal suit.


Ward: I don't think that Thor is technically a god.
Hill: Well, you haven't been near his arms.


Coulson: I think it's a little poop with knives sticking out of it.


Skye: With great power comes a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with.


Simmons: I'm not Hermione!


Ward: She's a groupie. All this hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D., tracking powers, she might as well be one of those sweaty cosplay girls crowding around Stark Tower.
Skye: What?! I would ... It was one time.



The guard standing near the doorway where Coulson came in to promote Ward to Level 7 - did he automatically promoted to Level 7 too, or did he already have that clearance to stand in the room with Ward and Hill?


What is Skye's story? Why did she erase her entire identity and adopt the name 'Skye'? How deep is she into the Rising Tide organization? If she is important, is she still loyal to the group and working as a double agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.? Or if she is not as important to Rising Tide, will they try anything to get her away from Coulson and gang?


What is Ward's family history, and why could his people skills be worse than a poop with knives sticking out of it? He obviously loves his Gramzy, but are his problems with his parents? Could he be a second or third generation S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?


Coulson is alive!!! Despite "being shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini" and not breathing for 8-40 seconds. All Coulson remembers is recovering in Tahiti, though those memories might not be accurate. So, how does Coulson live? My theory is that Phil Coulson did indeed die in The Avengers, and the Coulson working for S.H.I.E.L.D. now is a clone.

In place of any specific details about how Coulson could have been cloned, I am embedding the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "The 6th Day".

[Video removed]

"The 6th Day" co-stars Michael Rooker, who joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Yondu in "Guardians of the Galaxy".


I am guessing that Lola was made by Howard Stark after he perfected the technology he was attempting to show off at the 1942 World's Fair.


'Ship Watch:

Obviously, the relationship between Ward and Skye is going to be a big focus of the show.

Some people feel that Coulson was flirting with Hill when he was recommending she should vacation in Tahiti. Although the exchange kind of had a flirtatious vibe, I don't think that a Coulson/Hill relationship is going to happen.

And I am going to state right here, right now: Simmons may believe that she and Fitz have a brother/sister relationship, but Fitz is in love with her. Having Simmons think of him like a brother is actually worse than being in the friend zone.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Entertainment Weekly Joss Whedon Interview Excerpt

Brian's note 9/25/2023: In the years since this post was published on this blog, various accusations have been made about Joss Whedon. Because he was involved with the creation of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I cannot remove everything related to him that I previously shared, but I can minimize his presence on this blog. I have chosen not to restore the photo of him that originally illustrated this post, after the original link to it became broken. I am leaving this interview excerpt here, but I am not going to restore the link with the Internet Archive backup.
This time you’re returning to TV with Marvel, the 800-pound hulk, backing you up. How has this experience been different?
There’s a certain amount of trust with the Marvel brass. It doesn’t mean carte blanche, nor should it. Because they’re not watching me as carefully, because I don’t have to justify what I want to do to them, I have to make sure I can justify it to myself. So I’m not just going “This sounds cool and nobody says I can’t, so wheeeeee, look at me fail!”

S.H.I.E.L.D. follows the Rosencrantzes and Guildensterns of the Marvel universe, these government agents on the sidelines of the action. What appealed to you about that?
Anybody who’s ever seen one of my shows knows I love the ensembles; I love the peripheral characters. This is basically a TV series of “The Zeppo” [an episode of Buffy], which was a very deliberate deconstruction of a Buffy episode in order to star the person who mattered the least. The people who are ignored are the people I’ve been writing as my heroes from day one. With S.H.I.E.L.D., the idea of [Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson] as the long-suffering bureaucrat who deals with Tony Stark’s insufferability is delightful and hits the core of something I’m also writing about all the time—the little guy versus the big faceless organization. Now, somebody might point out, “But isn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. a big faceless organization?” It absolutely is, and that’s something we’re going to deal with in the series. But what’s really interesting to me is there’s a world of super-heroes and superstars, they’re celebrities, and that’s a complicated world—particularly complicated for people who don’t have the superpowers, the disenfranchised. Now, obviously there’s going to be high jinks and hilarity and sex and gadgets and all the things that made people buy the comics. But that’s what the show really is about to me, and that’s what Clark Gregg embodies: the Everyman.

I asked [Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb how much independence do the S.H.I.E.L.D. writers have to create their own show, and he said, "Marvel isn't a library book you take out, it's a partnership." And I'm all, "That sounds like not very much!"
Marvel is the least restrictive studio environment I've ever experienced, across the board. I probably wouldn't be back if that wasn't the case. It is genuinely a mom-and-pop mega-store.

Did ABC give you notes?
Yeah. They gave me a ton of notes. We've jumped through every hoop. There's no trust in television. But there's been nothing but encouragement and excitement about what exactly you're trying to do. So you take the notes. You don't take all of them. But you never walk in expecting not to get any.
Is finally having a show that’s a hit in the ratings important to you?
No. I mean, I want it to be a hit because people who I work for have invested in it, and people I work with are in it, and writing it, and I want it to continue. We have the opportunity to do something special. If it’s not special, hopefully it will go away. I think we’ll be okay there. But I can’t measure it in those terms. It doesn’t seem useful to me.
Full interview here.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Marvel Comic-Con Interviews

Brian's note 9/25/2023: In the years since this post was published on this blog, various accusations have been made about Joss Whedon. Because he was involved with the creation of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I cannot remove everything related to him that I previously shared, but I can minimize his presence on this blog. I have unembedded his interview and replaced it with a text link to it.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Recon

Brian's note 9/25/2023: In the years since this post was published on this blog, various accusations have been made about Joss Whedon. Because he was involved with the creation of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I cannot remove everything related to him that I previously shared, but I can minimize his presence on this blog. I have unembedded his interview and replaced it with a text link to it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Episodes 1-3 Official Synopses

Updated 9/25/2023

"Pilot" - September 24, 2013
[I]t’s just after the battle of New York, and now that the existence of super heroes and aliens has become public knowledge, the world is trying to come to grips with this new reality. Agent Phil Coulson is back in action and has his eye on a mysterious group called the Rising Tide. In order to track this unseen, unknown enemy, he has assembled a small, highly select group of Agents from the worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division). The group’s first assignment together as a team finds them trying to track down an ordinary man who has gained extraordinary powers. Powers that could have devastating consequences.
"0-8-4" - October 1, 2013
Coulson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. agents travel to Peru to investigate an object of unknown origin, codenamed 0-8-4. But when he runs into Comandante Camilla Reyes, more than just sparks fly at 30,000 feet, on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Tuesday, October 1 (8:00-9:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
"The Asset" – October 8, 2013
When the brilliant scientist, Dr. Franklin Hall, is kidnapped, Agent Coulson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. agents must race against the clock to locate him. Skye is their only way in--pushing the team to their limits when the entire plan turns upside-down--on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Behind-the-Scenes With the Cast & Crew

Brian's note 9/25/2023: In the years since this post was published on this blog, various accusations have been made about Joss Whedon. Because he was involved with the creation of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I cannot remove everything related to him that I previously shared, but I can minimize his presence on this blog. However, certain videos will remain as they are.